Patient Journey:
Our lovely receptionists are here to help. When booking an appointment, it will be their duty on reception to traige you before booking you an appointment. Whether it be a telephone consultation or a face to face booking, you will be asked a few questions to determine your appropriate care. They will be required to follow these steps prior to booking you in:
Covid questions will be asked.
New Medical History will be required. This can be completed online or you can ask for assistance if you are not sure on how to do this.
They will book you an appointment that will best suit your needs and requirements. (Shielding patients will be advised of the risks to see the dentist, but will be given priority for the first appointment of the day, along with the vulnerable patients.)
They will communicate our new protocols.
We kindly ask you to:
Attend at the exact time of their appointment.
Pay by Card (If possible pay before the appointment to minimise contact with reception staff).
Arrive alone, unless you are a minor or require a carer.
Try not to touch handles or railings as much as possible.
Ring the disabled bell to inform the staff you have arrived and are waiting.
Wait by the door until you are triaged into the Practice. Your temperature will be taken and hand sanitiser provided. (If temperature is not okay, you will be asked to return home and rebook after self-isolating for 7 days.)
Have a seat in reception, and adhere to the 2 metre distancing rule that is in place.
Book all follow up appointments by phone or email if possible to minimise contact in reception.
You may leave the practice directly after seeing the dentist .
Please have patience with all our members of staff as they are working hard to keep you safe and adhere to the NHS guidelines.
Thank you!
Updated on 13/04/2021 by T Hale